About Me
Hello! My name is Leland Miller. I enjoy spending time with my family and getting outdoors when I have the chance. As far as computers go, I always enjoy learning about programming languages, operating systems, and anything else about how computers work or could work in the future. The design of programming languages and information storage systems is particularly interesting to me as there are many different approaches to these problems and solutions borrow ideas from a vast set of interdisciplinary fields.
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- SlugCam is a solar-powered wireless smart camera system. I have been involved as a researcher on this project. http://www.slugcam.com, https://github.com/SlugCam
- TextScape is a language I designed and for a comparative programming languages class at UCSC. I implemented an interpreter in Haskell and a simple IDE that is served by a Ruby WEBrick server. https://github.com/lelandmiller/TextScape
- micro-signals is a signals library for TypeScript/JavaScript written using ES2015 Collections. https://www.npmjs.com/package/micro-signals, https://github.com/lelandmiller/micro-signals
Miller, L., Abas, K., & Obraczka, K. (2015, August). Scmesh: Solar-powered wireless smart camera mesh network. In Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2015 24th International Conference on (pp. 1-8). IEEE. (IEEE Xplore)
Abas, K., Obraczka, K., & Miller, L. (2018). Solar-Powered, Wireless Smart Camera Network: An IoT Solution for Outdoor Video Monitoring. Computer Communications. (Elsevier)
- The Initialized is a project I started in 2009. You can listen through several media outlets. http://www.theinitialized.com/ Spotify